音楽劇『The World』キャスト決定!Cast Announcement for the Musical "The World"

Project Vision: Harnessing Diversity as a Creative Force

私たちの時代は、多様性が新たな価値を生み出す時代です。そんな中、音楽劇『The World』は、文化的アイデンティティーの多様性と複合性を重視しながら、異文化間の共創を通じて、新たな表現の地平を開拓しようとしています。このプロジェクトでは、チームメンバーの多様な背景を活かし、それぞれの独自の文化的、芸術的視点を創作プロセスに反映させることを重要視しています。これにより、幅広いアイデアや経験がプロジェクトに豊かな色を加えています。さらに、それを上演することによって、柔軟なアイデンティティーと他者理解を促す切り口となることを目指しています。
In today's world, diversity is a catalyst for creating new value. Against this backdrop, the musical "The World" seeks to break new ground in artistic expression through collaborative creation among different cultures, focusing on the richness of cultural identities. This project is committed to leveraging the varied backgrounds of its team members, infusing the creative process with their unique cultural and artistic viewpoints. This diversity brings a wealth of ideas and experiences to the project, contributing to its richness. Additionally, the performance aims to encourage a more flexible understanding of identity and foster empathy for others.

Cast of Diverse Talents

『The World』には、以下のような移民の経験のあるキャストが集結しています。これらのキャストは、それぞれが持つ独自の文化的背景と芸術的才能をプロジェクトに注ぎ込んでいます。彼らの協働は、『The World』をただの舞台作品ではなく、文化的な対話と理解を促す貴重な機会に変えるでしょう。
"The World" features a cast with immigrant backgrounds, each bringing their unique cultural heritage and artistic flair to the project. Their collaboration makes “The World” a theatrical piece and a valuable opportunity for cultural dialogue and understanding.


アイルランド出身。東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科在籍。UCDアイルランド国立大学文系部音楽インターナショナル専攻卒。バンドのクィアラジオSETSUNAI等で、Shu Jinkoとして音楽活動中。
From Ireland, SHU is currently studying at the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of International Art Creation. UCD BMus International (Dublin, Ireland). Performs as Singer Shu Jinko in the band Queer Radio Setsunai and other music activities.

ン・シェリル Cheryl

シンガポール出身。英語・日本語・中国語のトライリンガル役者 シンガポール出身、東京大学教養学部卒業。 声優・俳優をメインの仕事にしつつ、翻訳者・通訳者、英語・ピアノの先生としても活動している。 また、パイレーツ・オブ・東京湾というバイリンガル即興コメディ団体で月に一回、即興コントのショーに出演。
A Singaporean native, Cheryl is a trilingual actress fluent in English, Japanese, and Chinese. Graduated from the University of Tokyo. Cheryl started learning voice acting in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, she is working to make acting her main job while freelancing as a translator/interpreter, as well as an English and piano teacher. She performs with the Pirates of Tokyo Bay, a bilingual comedy improv group that has a show once a month in Ebisu.

Dan Dagondon

An actor, performance maker, workshop facilitator, and researcher from the philippine. A disoriented benevolent alien who comes in peace, exploring connections between diverse bodies within communities.

熊坂健太(Kenta Kumazaka)

日本出身、オランダに交換留学。一橋大学国際・公共政策大学院に在一橋大学国際・公共政策大学院で、主にリスク関連の課題を研究中。 母と劇団四季を観劇したことをきっかけに、舞台芸術に興味を持つ。 以降、市民ミュージカルやサークルに所属し、これまでにも何度か舞台経験がある。
Japanese-born and having studied in the Netherlands, Studying public policy at Hitotsubashi graduate school (IPP), mainly researching risk-governance issues. Having started activities as a performer after watching Shiki Theatre Company with my mother in childhood. Since then, joining a member of civic musical team and club activities and having a couple of experiences to be on stage.

March Workshop and August Main Performance

Members from Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Shizuoka), the USA, the Netherlands, and China are exploring ways of international collaboration, both online and face-to-face. The original script by playwright Carina Jiang, inspired by her Asian-American experiences, is being transformed through collective readings by the performers, integrating multiple languages, regional accents, and non-native dialogue to add depth.

The March 15th workshop at Tokyo University of the Arts will refine the piece for the August performance, incorporating professional feedback. This production aims not just to entertain but to enlighten the audience on the significance of flexible identity and intercultural understanding.

Please visit our official website for more information about the performance dates and venues. We sincerely welcome you to this unique, student-led international collaboration in Japan. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!


助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京[スタートアップ助成]