Play with music

The World

A musical that explores themes related to cultural identity and acceptance

About this project

This project zeroes in on globalization’s cultural diversity and identity challenges. It strongly emphasizes valuing its members’ experiences, aiming to create performances based on their varied cultural backgrounds. The heart of this project is fostering international collaboration from Japan and overseas, enhancing mutual cultural understanding.

Nowadays, encountering different cultures and values is now the norm. However, biases and preconceptions towards those from diverse backgrounds persist, often leading to community division and conflict. Moreover, an adherence to one's culture and values can sometimes provoke conflicts and exclusion. These issues form the backdrop to our project.

By adopting an international perspective and focusing on cross-cultural collaboration, the project seeks to develop skills essential for artistic activities and thriving in a multicultural symbiosis society. Through this initiative, people worldwide work together to explore new forms of stage production that capitalize on each member's unique traits.







Utilizing the diverse backgrounds of our team members, we aim to develop and create our project collaboratively.


Receive multifaceted feedback, including from experts through the workshop.


Hope to offer diverse viewpoints and provide an opportunity for reevaluating oneself and others.


Document the process of international collaboration in various forms and attempt an analysis from the perspective of art management.



Studying Media Studies at Vassar College with correlating studies in Japanese and Music Composition.Engageing in stage management and music creative endeavors primarily centered in the United States.


Born in China. Student enrolled in the Graduate School of Global Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts. Actively involved in the study and practice of intercultural performance. Representative of MUGAI.


タイ生まれ。24歳の時に作品をバンコクの劇場で発表。 2020年タイでの活動を休止して日本で活動。
Born in Thailand. At the age of 24, he presented his work at a theater in Bangkok. In 2020, he paused his activities in Thailand and started working in Japan.


東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科在籍。UCDアイルランド国立大学文系部音楽インターナショナル専攻卒。バンドのクィアラジオSETSUNAI等で、Shu Jinkoとして音楽活動中。
TUA Graduate School of Global Arts. UCD BMus International (Dublin, Ireland). Performs as Singer Shu Jinko in the band Queer Radio Setsunai and other music activities.

Dan Dagondon

俳優、パフォーマンス・メーカー、ワークショップ・ファシリテータ、研究者。平和のためにやってきた善良なディスオリエンテッド・エイリアン。コミュニティ内で多様な人々の間のつな がりを探求している。
An actor, performance maker, workshop facilitator, and researcher—a disoriented benevolent alien who comes in peace, exploring connections between diverse bodies within communities.

ン・シェリル Cheryl

英語・日本語・中国語のトライリンガル役者 シンガポール出身、東京大学教養学部卒業。 声優・俳優をメインの仕事にしつつ、翻訳者・通訳者、英語・ピアノの先生としても活動している。
Trilingual Actor (EN, JP, CN) from Singapore. Graduated from the University of Tokyo. Now, she is working to make acting her main job, while freelancing as a translator / interpreter, as well as an English and piano teacher.


We will update the activity report periodically

助成:公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京[スタートアップ助成]

Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

©MUGAI. All rights reserved.